
Active Listening  

  • What does it feel like to be heard and really listened to?

  • How do we listen across differences?

  • How is listening relevant in the context of the group? 

In this session, participants are guided through a series of exercises, creative approaches and reflections to think deeply about listening, both individually and collectively. The aim is to really think about some of the barriers to listening and how to create the conditions to listen in new ways.

The workshop is particularly useful for groups getting to know each other. It can be used to form the basis of a collective agreement for listening for the group going forward. 

Radical Dreaming

  • What would you do if you could do anything and be anywhere? 

  • How would you feel? Who would you be with? 

  • And what would joy and peace look like?  

This workshop helps participants think about possibilities beyond present reality. You get to have fun dreaming without limitations and begin to make steps toward alternative futures in a supportive and encouraging environment.

Participants are guided through a series of exercises, reflections, and dialogues to help them slow down, dream, play, and see what emerges.

This image is from a version of the workshop I did with Femme 4 Change on a boat.

Action Learning

Action Learning is a form of peer or group coaching.

The process involves a group of 6-8 participants who meet monthly, it can be done either online or in person.

I train the group in a form of open questions to help people consider what might be behind their issue and what actions they will take for different outcomes. It’s a practical, insightful and fun process that helps people develop creative solutions to pressing problems.

Custom Workshop

Are you stuck on a problem as an organisation and want an outside voice to hold space to help ideate solutions?

Are you looking for some non-corny team building?

If your organisation wants a workshop designed just for them, get in contact and I can design something just for you and your organisation.

Listen to “Sekai Asks..”