Workshop Facilitator


Cultural Programmer



    Explore new ways of connecting with others and yourself in my sessions. Looking to foster a more inclusive culture in your organisation?

    I can design a custom workshop to meet your workplace's specific needs.


    Feeling stuck or unsure of your next move? Need someone to hold space for you to think about different ways forward?

    Let’s see if we’re a good fit for a coaching journey.


    Looking for a moderator who holds dynamic discussions and thought-provoking conversation with a splash of fun?

    Let’s talk.

What it’s like to work with me

Sekai blends an informed critical perspective with deep empathy and humour. Our team loved working with her. Sekai will lead you out of your comfort zone towards a braver and kinder version of yourself and your organisation's culture

William Myers


When I got stuck trying to find a way to combine activism/justice together with working in a cultural institution, I approached Sekai. She helped me give language to my intuition, muddled by working in white male organisations

Janina Pigaht

Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie

Sekai created and safeguarded a space where I could be my authentic self and exchange freely with co-workers, which allowed us to get to the core of complex situations encountered in the workspace

Lois Hutubessy

Nieuwe Instituut

Sekai always brings a sensitivity to the context, a personal grounding that cuts through institutional politics, and a creativity which opens space for playfulness, co-presence and empathy

Clare Butcher


Listen to “Sekai Asks…”